Product Feature: Thermostats
Posted by Cassy Leone on Feb 24th 2023
Product Feature: Thermostats
As a lover and occasional writer of science fiction, today's product feature reminds me of a scene from Firefly. If you haven't seen the show, fear not. In it, a spaceship is left adrift after a small part of it's engine breaks without a spare to replace it. All of the crew save for the captain abandons the ship. In desperation, he radios a distant vessel just entering audio range and begs them for the part he needs. The person on the radio responds: "That? That's a nothing part!"
The captain responds: "It is until you need one."
The thermostat of your engine is a small valve that sits between the radiator and the engine. When coolant is too hot, the valve opens and allows coolant to flow to the radiator to dispel heat and circle back around to flow back through your engine block. If your thermostat fails, you will quickly be left with an overheating engine.
That valve, no bigger than your fist in many cases, is a vital part of your cooling system and you don't want to be caught without a spare. Check our website to pick one up today!